3 days show in Vejen with lots of sun is over. It was a hard weekend, but we enjoyed a lot being surrounded by best friends and beautiful dogs.
Friday the breed was judged by Mr. Kurt Nilsson from Sweden. He also judged group 8.
"Messi" Sieger's Money Talks won BOB with CAC and CACIB and sister "Merle" Sieger's Show Me The Money Honey won BOS with CAC and CACIB. "Messi" ended as BIG 3rd.
Saturday's judge was Mrs Wera Hübenthal from Norway, She also did the group competition.
Same results as Friday in the breed ring. "Messi" got BOB, CAC and CACIB. "Merle" was BOS with CAC and CACIB. "Messi" was our great star of the day first winning Best Of Group and finally winning BEST IN SHOW under judge Mrs. Valerie Joan Hutton from Australia. Over 3000 dogs was entered. Such a thrill to show "Messi" to this win :)
Sunday the breed judge was from Ireland, Mr. Andrew Beare. "Messi" took his 3rd BOB in a row this weekend. This day also with CAC and CACIB. Best bitch with CAC and CACIB went to "Lotte" Sieger's Freak Like Me. Big congratulations to co-owner Tinne Brix :) "Messi" ended as BIG 2nd, judged by Mr. Luis Catalan from Portugal.
Such a weekend! Thanks to everyone for making it so very special and specially thanks for all for congratulations and kind workd about "Messi".